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Seek Chiropractic Care for Auto Injury Treatment

Written By Advanced Spine & Sport Medical Rehabilitation Center on September 29, 2021

Auto Injury Advanced Spine & Sport Chiropractic

Experiencing an auto accident is a stress-inducing scenario. Besides dealing with the resulting car repairs, insurance claims, and paperwork, you also have your own wellbeing to consider. 

Did you know that even minor fender-benders can cause serious damage to the neck and spine? Dr. James Baranski, D.C. at Advanced Spine & Sport Chiropractic specializes in comprehensive care for personal injuries. Taking action and seeking chiropractic treatment following an auto accident is necessary to get back on the road to health, and to prevent further injuries.

Promote Successful Recovery

Post-accident recovery is your first priority. Many injuries resulting from auto accidents can occur inside, and be difficult to spot on your own. Dr. Baranski is highly skilled in identifying those underlying issues and addressing the elements necessary to obtain a full recovery. 

Chiropractic treatment options, including spinal adjustments, are key to strengthening muscles and promoting a speedy recovery.

Restore Your Range of Motion

The spine and neck are two areas that can be easily aggravated by auto accidents. They are both also integral to many of our daily motor functions. By leaving spine and neck injuries untreated, your range of motion may become limited, or the cause of extraneous pain. 

Chiropractic care focuses on the mutual relationship between your body’s structure and function, making it perfectly suited for restoring your body after injury. Relieving tension, soothing stiff muscles, and increasing awareness of body mechanics are just a few of the benefits chiropractic treatment offers.

Prevent Long-Term Damage

Leaving even minor injuries untreated can be the source of major distress in the long-term. While your body may be able to take care of the small things, leave the healing to Dr. Baranski. Untreated damage to ligaments or muscle tissue can end up causing pain, discomfort, and even internal scarring. Over time, this can result in increased chronic pain. 

Chiropractic care addresses these issues in a non-invasive treatment that works in tandem with your body’s natural structure. Treating auto accident injuries as soon as possible is crucial to preserving your body’s long-term wellbeing.

Contact Advanced Spine & Sport Chiropractic for Auto Injury Treatment

The dedicated team at Advanced Spine & Sport Chiropractic is here to help you navigate your health during stressful times. Give us a call at (805) 642-4061 to schedule your appointment today.

Posted In: Chiropractic Auto Injury Whiplash Treatment