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How to Prevent Neck Pain While Sitting at Your Computer Desk

Written By Advanced Spine & Sport Medical Rehabilitation Center on January 16, 2024

a man sitting at his desk with neck pain

Sitting at a desk all day can put significant strain on the delicate muscles, tendons, vertebrae, and nerves in your neck. Poor posture, repetitive movements, and pre-existing injuries can increase your risk of neck pain and stiffness. At Advanced Spine & Sport Chiropractic, our chiropractor Dr. James Baranski can identify the underlying cause of your neck pain and provide safe, drug-free neck pain treatment in Ventura, CA. Take a look at our tips for preventing neck pain and then call us to schedule a consultation.

Improve Your Posture

Poor posture can take a toll on your neck, shoulders, and upper back. When you have to sit at your computer for long periods of time, you should keep your feet flat on the floor and adjust your chair’s seat so that it is tilted slightly downward. You should keep your head in a neutral position with your shoulders straight and level. Use a wrist pad to keep your wrists straight over the keyboard. Avoid crossing your legs and keep your back flat against the back of your chair. 

Use a Monitor Stand

The center of your computer screen should be at eye level. If possible, adjust your monitor’s height or use a monitor stand to raise the level of your monitor. When your monitor is too low, your head will be tilted downward while you look at your computer. This increases stress on your neck and shoulders. If your monitor is too high, you may develop eye strain.

Stand Up, Stretch, and Take Breaks

Standing while you work can reduce strain on your neck, shoulders, and lower back. You can use a sit-stand desk or get up and walk around every once in a while. Take a break every hour to stretch, walk around, and reduce the stress on your neck and back.

Reduce Your Screen Time

You likely don’t have much control over your screen time during the workday, but you should try to reduce your screen time during your off hours. Looking down at your phone or tablet will put added stress on your neck and shoulders. Likewise, looking up at a TV screen while lying in bed or on the sofa can increase your risk of neck pain. 

Visit Our Chiropractor in Ventura, CA

Dr. Baranski and his team at Advanced Spine & Sport Chiropractic will perform a physical exam and diagnostic testing to determine the underlying cause of your neck pain. We can then design a personalized chiropractic neck pain treatment plan that relieves neck pain, improves function and range of motion, and reduces your risk of future pain. Request an appointment online to get started.

Posted In: Neck Pain Neck Strain