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Tips for Managing Knee Injuries From Advanced Spine & Sport Chiropractic

Written By Advanced Spine & Sport Medical Rehabilitation Center on August 27, 2023

Sports Injury

As the body’s largest joint, it’s no surprise that the knee is also one of the most easily injured joints. Knee injuries are common among people of all ages, but can occur more frequently in athletes. If you’re dealing with knee pain due to a sports injury or other type of injury, visiting our Ventura chiropractor and following these tips can help.

Give Yourself Time to Rest

You should always rest after suffering from a knee injury. Putting weight on the knee can worsen the injury and cause further damage. Resting gives your knee time to heal, which will allow you to return to your normal routine more quickly. Talking to our chiropractor can help you determine how much rest you’ll need and what types of activities and exercises will be safe to start doing to prevent your muscles from weakening.

Use Ice Packs

An ice pack can help numb the pain and reduce the swelling you experience immediately following your knee injury. You can apply the ice pack for 20 minutes at a time, multiple times each day. Wrap the ice pack in a cloth or towel so you are not applying it directly to your skin.

Compress Your Knee

Gently wrapping your knee with a compressive bandage can also help decrease the pain you feel and reduce inflammation you experience as a result of your knee injury. Our chiropractor can help you determine what level of compression will benefit your condition. 

Keep Your Knee Elevated

When you are resting, try to keep your knee elevated higher than heart level. Elevation helps keep swelling down, which is important for your recovery.

Treat the Source of the Pain 

It’s important to discover the source of your knee injury so you can prevent future injuries. Our chiropractor can help you heal from your knee injury and other sports injuries, while also performing adjustments to help you keep proper balance when you play your favorite sports in the future. This will reduce your risk of developing knee injuries, giving you more time to focus on your favorite game.

Start Your Chiropractic Journey

If you want to fix your knee injury pain and prevent more knee injuries in the future, schedule an appointment at Advanced Spine & Sport Chiropractic. As an avid sports enthusiast, our chiropractor, Dr. James Baranski, is experienced in treating a variety of sports injuries, including knee injuries. Call us at (805) 642-4061 to get started or schedule your first chiropractic appointment online. 


Posted In: Chiropractic Sports Injury